Smart property viewing: sneaky vendor tricks to watch out for

A fresh coat of paint, the smell of your favourite banana bread baking and a glorious mirror in the dining room can all add to a property’s appeal. But, like the banana bread, it could just be a way to make something unpalatable seem fancy.

All owners spruce up their homes for sale, but a few tricks of the trade could be more than just a caring refresh. When buying a house an inspection checklist can be your helpful companion. Keep an eye out for these common real estate agent tactics and buy your new home with eyes wide open.

1. Everything’s freshly painted

A new paint job looks great but can be a cheap and easy way to cover-up a whole bunch of hidden nasties like mildew, children’s artwork or even termite activity. Be especially wary if some rooms have recently been repainted but not others, and be suspicious of any paintwork that is bubbling or stained. A DIY job isn’t a problem in itself, but changes in texture and discolouration can signify damp areas or other damage.

2. It smells like your nanna’s house

If you walk through the front door to a cavalcade of ‘nice’ smells, be on alert. Unless the owners are half-way through an application for Masterchef there’s really no need to have cakes baking during an inspection. Buyers should be wary if a property is filled with overpowering scents like incense, candles or over-the-top air fresheners.

Aromas may mask issues from pets or tobacco smells, but they could also be hiding something more serious. Rising damp, mould or, heaven forbid, dodgy sewerage pipes can all be covered by a scented candle or two.

3. It’s like walking into a hair salon

As well as for admiring how good you look in your future home, mirrors are used to create the illusion of space. Unfortunately for sellers the cat’s out of the bag on this classic real estate agent trick. Everyone’s seen a reno show host hang a large mirror on the wall to make a room look twice its size.

Be particularly conscious of this in older homes where rooms tend to be small. You can beat the illusion by surveying the room with your back to the mirror.

4. It doesn’t look lived in

Many owners hire furniture and stylists to create the best possible look when selling. Giveaways include pristine wooden frames, too-clean throws or cushions, generic artwork and indoor plants that all look a little too perfect!

Sellers want you to come inside and imagine your perfect new life. They want you to forget the brown velour couch you found on the nature strip and believe you’ll have a brand-new modular. The table you inherited from your mum’s upgrade will transform into a mid-century replica, Cinderella style.

Bear in mind that you are buying the bricks and mortar – not the home’s contents. Try to visualise the home with your own furniture. Will it fit? How will it look? Take a measuring tape to double-check.

5. The place is totally lit

Sometimes you’ll inspect a house where every conceivable light is on, even in the middle of the day. Tiny powder room? Lights on. Garden shed? Bulbs blazing. Artificially brightening a property can be a sign that the place receives little natural sunlight.

Don’t be afraid to flick the switches to test the theory. Being left in the dark on inspection day could save you from a dingy home in the long-term.

Even if you’ve inspected the paint and turned off the bread maker, you could be missing something important. Don’t rely on your ability as a super sleuth to spot all the sneaky real estate agent tricks.

Arranging a pre-purchase pest and building inspection is a good way to know what you’re buying; warts and all. For about a $500 investment you’ll get the full story on what’s lurking under the surface and avoid unwelcome surprises down the track. If you’re still not sure whether you’re being duped, your HoLo team might be able to help you make sense of the hall of mirrors.

If you’d like to know more, book an appointment or contact us


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